The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering successfully held the election meetingfor the official representatives of the 7th Congress of Teachers and Students
發布時間🕐: 2024-01-18 瀏覽次數🦗: 10

According to the work plan of theuniversity's labor union, the labor union of the School of Electrical andElectronic Engineering, under the leadership of the school's Party Committee,convened a general faculty and staff meeting on the morning of January 16 inRoom 8B126 of the Modern Traffic Engineering Center. The purpose of the meetingwas to elect the official representatives for the 7th Congress of Teachers andWorkers. Professor Yu Tao, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committeeand President, along with all faculty and staff of the school, attended themeeting. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Shi Yiping, Chair of the School's LaborUnion.





The Party Committee of the School attached great importance to the election ofrepresentatives for this "Double Congress." To ensure the electionwas successfully completed within the stipulated time and to genuinely selectfaculty members with political awareness, a sense of the bigger picture,democratic consciousness, leadership and exemplary qualities, and enthusiasmfor union work, the union groups of the School conducted extensive publicity inadvance. The nomination and recommendation of representative candidates werecarried out through a two-round consultation process.

After the eligibility of the candidates was reviewed and approved by the UniversityLabor Union's Qualification Review Committee, a general faculty and staffmeeting was held to conduct a differential election for the 16 confirmedrepresentative candidates. During the meeting, the election method and list ofvote supervisors were approved, the list of vote counters was announced, andthe basic information of the candidates was introduced to all faculty andstaff. Finally, through anonymous voting, 13 official representatives wereelected. Among them, 12 (92.3%) were teachers directly engaged in teaching andresearch (including those with dual responsibilities), and 1 (7.7%) was anadministrative staff member. Additionally, 11 (84.6%) held senior professionaltitles, 5 (38.5%) were under 40 years old, and 6 (46.2%) were female staff. Therepresentative structure met the required standards, and the election processwas conducted with rigor and in full compliance with procedures. The meetingconcluded solemnly with the Internationale.

This conference fully exercised the faculty and staff's rights to participate in thedemocratic management and supervision of the university, fostering enthusiasmand proactivity in their work. The elected representatives will activelyfulfill their duties, remain committed to the university's development, and,with a strong sense of responsibility and ownership, fully exercise theirdemocratic rights to contribute ideas and suggestions for the university'sprogress.




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